Australian Pharmacist Oral exam PREP Course:

About the course

The Australian Pharmacist oral exam PREP course is designed to help you easily clear the Pharmacist oral exam conducted by AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) on the first attempt.

This course helps you in developing the knowledge and ability to practice independently as a pharmacist in Australia. Clearing the oral exam is the final step to achieving general registration as a pharmacist in Australia.

The total duration of the Intern oral exam will be approximately 35 minutes and it consists of 3 parts.

  1. Part A: primary healthcare

  1. Part B: Legal and ethical practice

  1. Part C: Problem-solving and communication.

Learning goals, objectives, and outcomes
  1. Clearing the tricky pharmacist oral examination with ease on the first attempt.

  2. Developing sound interactive skills and primary health care knowledge required for a pharmacist. Our course focuses on educating an intern pharmacist to develop expertise in the primary health care system of Australia.

  3. Improving pharmacist interventional knowledge to minimize potential risk to the patients and medication misadventures.

  4. Making you an ethically sound, professional, and legally responsible Australian pharmacist who demonstrates the knowledge and understanding of legal and ethical domains of Australian pharmacy practice.

  5. Replenishing and enhancing your knowledge of medication optimization.

  6. Training a learner to develop precise history-taking expertise and decision-making capabilities to identify potential drug risks and achieve better patient and community outcomes. The goals and learning outcomes that our course offers help you to excel in the toughest part of your oral exam i.e., part 3 problem solving and communication.

Teaching methodology
  • Interactive face-to-face simulative oral exam conducted to help you breeze through real-life pharmacist oral exam.

  • Discussion and individualized tailoring of the learning advice to help you minimize mistakes in pharmacist oral exam.

  • Focus on developing your pharmacist problem-solving and communication skills.

  • Learner-centric teaching approach.

  • Access to Live real-time lectures.

Education materials provided
  1. Comprehensive discussion-based guidance on how to correct your mistakes and enhance your chances of clearing the pharmacy intern oral examination.

  2. Information handouts on primary health care and legal scenarios of Australian pharmacy practice.

  3. Access to recorded videos for constant learning and to fit an individual lifestyle, and time management needs.